CONDITION : Stained or coated with an acrylic finish
SITUATION : Exterior
TYPE : Non ferrous metal
EXPLICATIF : Ensure weather conditions are compatible with application of the product. The surface must be clean, dry and in sound condition. PREPARATION: 3 options available for stripping back to bare wood: 1- Apply undiluted PREPDECK to dry wood. Allow it to work 10-30min max. Scrub and rinse thoroughly with fresh water. After rinsing, if TROPITECH is the chosen finish, apply on the wet wood. If you go for a different finish, neutralise the wood with NET-TROL. Scrub and rinse thoroughly with fresh water and allow to dry 3 good drying days before applying the finish. 2- Apply DSP 800. Allow it to work according to test previously conducted to strip finish. When the coating curls or softens, remove finish with a scraper or a nylon scrubbing brush. Rinse the surface with warm water, acetone or white spirit to remove any wax residue. 3-Sand the surface. Finish by sanding with 80/100 grit max. Thoroughly dust off. APPLICATION: Apply one coat of Owatrol Oil and allow to dry 72 hours @ 20çC. Apply 1 to 6 coats of DEKS OLJE D2 depending on the finish and depth of gloss desired. Allow 12 hours minimum drying time between each coat.