FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is it so important to apply at least 6 coats of D2?
  2. Can I use DEKS OLJE D2 without applying DEKS OLJE D1 first?
  3. I have previously used another type of varnish on my woodwork but now wish to use D2. Can I apply D2 on top of it?
  4. I wish to maintain my existing coating with D2 but areas have worn down to bare wood. How should I proceed?
  5. Why is it so important that I apply a minimum of 6 coats of D2?
  6. Do I need to sand D2 between coats?
  7. I have a badly worn area of D2. Do I have to redo the whole area or can I just touch it in?
  8. Is there a maximum period that the 6 coats of D2 should be applied in?
  9. Can I use D2 without first using D1?
  10. How does D2 differ from other types of varnish?
  11. I have pitting/craters on my D2 what has happened?
  12. Can D2 be used for interior and exterior applications?
  13. Is D2 environmentally friendly? Is it considered a "green" product?
  14. What is the shelf life of D2 - unopened?
  15. What is the shelf life of D2 - after it has been opened?
  16. What is the average coverage of 1 liter of D2?
  17. What are the suggested areas of use for D2?
  18. Will D2 peel or flake?
  19. How long should I wait between coats?
  20. Are there UV inhibitors in D2?
  21. How long will 6 coats of D2 last on my teak cap rail, which gets full exposure to the sun?
  22. What is the maximum or minimum number of coats of D2 that should be applied?

Why is it so important to apply at least 6 coats of D2?

DEKS OLJE D2 is a very flexible oil-based varnish that provides a thinner film on the surface compared with a polyurethane or epoxy varnish. 2 to 3 coats of D2 are equivalent to 1 coat of polyurethane varnish. The slow-forming film and the very nature of DEKS OLJE D2 are what give it its flexibility, allowing it to dilate and contract with the wood without cracking or flaking. 

Can I use DEKS OLJE D2 without applying DEKS OLJE D1 first?

No, the "Deks Olje" system is based on saturating the wood with DEKS OLJE D1 first. This ensures the wood's complete protection and must be done in all cases to be able to use DEKS OLJE D2, otherwise stains will appear due to the infiltration of moisture and air in the wood.

I have previously used another type of varnish on my woodwork but now wish to use D2. Can I apply D2 on top of it?

While we always recommend that any existing coatings are completely removed, in order that the very best performance is got from Deks Olje when the complete system is applied. We also recognize that there are times when this is not practical or possible and in these cases suggest the following guidelines.
D2 is a natural oil varnish and therefore by its nature is softer and more flexible than the normal varnishes/finishes used on a boat .i.e. polyurethane, 2 component (epoxy) or alkyd varnishes. These types of varnish/finish become brittle overtime leading them to crack, peel and flake. Unlike D2, they do not have the flexibility and therefore movement that D2 has. This means that while D2 will move with the timber and coating it has been applied to it cannot stop the coating underneath eventually breaking away from the timber. The fact that the 2 coatings will move at different rates, means there is a possibility of delamination between the original coating and D2.
To avoid the possibility of delamination, it is important that any previous coatings are thoroughly abraded using 100grit paper to ensure proper adhesion of the D2. While in most cases applying D2 on top of an existing coating will be for maintenance purposes only, we still suggest applying the required number of coats of D2. This is because even though you are applying D2 on top of an existing coating and creating a good film on the timber, the D2 only gives a thin film build per coat. If the proper number of coats of D2 is not applied, the correct film thickness will not be achieved, leading to a shorter time to first maintenance of the D2. 
We do not recommend applying D2 on top of any 2 component (epoxy) finish as these types of finish are designed to give a thick and very hard film which has little flexibility.
Note: We recommend that a small test area is carried out to ensure compatibility between the two finishes.

I wish to maintain my existing coating with D2 but areas have worn down to bare wood. How should I proceed?

Thoroughly abrade the entire surface with 100 or 120 grit paper to remove any loose material and form a good key for the final finish coats
Any bare areas of timber should be thoroughly cleaned and edges of good coating feathered in to take off the sharp edge.
Saturate any bare timber with continual wet-on-wet applications of D1 until it will absorb no more D1 i.e. it floods on the surface. The number of applications of D1 will depend on the absorbency of the timber. It could be as little as 6 applications or as many as 10 or more but you should be able to apply all of these in a day.
Allow D1 to set-up and dry - 3 days
Areas treated with D1 should now be coated with the required number of D2 coats to bring it up level with the existing finish.
If you then wish to finish the whole item with D2 see section above, entitled "I have previously used another type of varnish on my woodwork but now wish to use D2. Can I apply D2 on top of it?"

Why is it so important that I apply a minimum of 6 coats of D2?

D2 is a highly flexible oil varnish, which gives a thinner film of product on the surface than a polyurethane or epoxy varnish that is to say, it needs 2/3 coats of D2 to be the equivalent of 1 coat of polyurethane varnish. It is this slow building of the film and the nature of the product itself that gives D2 its flexibility, allowing it to expand and contract with the wood without cracking and therefore peeling and flaking. Applying 6 coats ensures the correct film build and performance of D2.

Do I need to sand D2 between coats?

There is no need to sand between coats of D2. However for an increased gloss level a light sanding with 480 wet & dry between the last 2 coats may be done

I have a badly worn area of D2. Do I have to redo the whole area or can I just touch it in?

D2 can be invisibly patch repaired and should be carried out in the following manner. Sand the worn area with 320 wet & dry using D1 as the lubricant. Wipe over the surface to remove the sanding residue. Apply appropriate number of coats of D2 to bring it level with the good area.

Is there a maximum period that the 6 coats of D2 should be applied in?

All 6 coats should be applied within 1 month

Can I use D2 without first using D1?

No. The Deks Olje system is based on saturating the wood first with D1. This ensures full protection of the timber and should any areas of D2 be allowed to wear back to bare wood then moisture cannot ingress in to the wood causing unsightly staining underneath the finish

How does D2 differ from other types of varnish?

Epoxy, clearcote and varnishes - polyurethane etc, all become brittle overtime due to the suns UV rays, causing them to crack, peel and flake, which in turn allows water to enter the cracks etc causing more peeling and flaking, this leads to water (moisture) getting trapped under the finish causing staining, usually black in color. 
Unlike these finishes, if D2 is worn back to bare wood, then moisture cannot enter the timber, since it has been saturated with D1, which will prevent this. D2 is a traditional oil varnish and while not as hard as those finishes already mentioned, requiring more coats to achieve the correct film build, it does mean that it is flexible and will move with the wood as it expands and contracts while not becoming brittle. 
Unlike other varnishes there is no sanding between coats of D2 and when it's considered that even some epoxy varnishes require a minimum of 4 coats, sometimes more, that's a lot of time and sanding labor that is being saved. D2 can easily, be invisibly patch repaired, negating the need for a full strip, which is needed with the other finishes. Why? Because other finishes will have let water in to the timber as described earlier and the only way to remove any staining is to strip back to bare wood. With epoxy finishes this usually entails a full strip of the item needing maintenance.

I have pitting/craters on my D2 what has happened?

This condition is known as 'Silicone eyes' and is brought about by the surface tension of D2 being broken. Usually this condition is due to the D2 having come in to contact with a silicone of some sort or other similar form of surface contamination. There are 2 ways to deal with this. 1 - Lightly abrade the damaged surface with 240 or 320 wet & dry using D1 as the lubricant to break down the craters. Remove sanding residue and re-apply D2. 2 - Make a mixture of 9 parts de-natured alcohol to 1 part household vinegar and wipe this mix over the damaged surface again to break down the craters. Leave to dry. Re-apply D2

Can D2 be used for interior and exterior applications?

D2 can be used on both interior and exterior woodwork.

Is D2 environmentally friendly? Is it considered a "green" product?

Being an oil-based product D2 cannot be considered as an environmentally friendly product.

What is the shelf life of D2 - unopened?

2 years when stored in is original unopened packaging.

What is the shelf life of D2 - after it has been opened?

It is difficult to answer this specifically as we do not know the storage conditions or the amount of product left in the container. D2 is a naturally air drying oil and as such the volume of air in the can after use is important, as a rule of thumb if more than 25% of the product has been used then it should be transferred to a smaller, airtight, closed metal or glass container. If less than 25% of the product has been used then it should be good for 6 - 12 months depending on storage conditions.

What is the average coverage of 1 liter of D2?

The coverage of 1 litre of D2 is 15 m² per litre.
Actual coverage will vary depending on texture and porosity of the surface.

What are the suggested areas of use for D2?

D2 may be used on any of type of exterior/ interior wood in the following areas handrails, furniture, lockers, seating, frames, doors, decking etc. D2 may also be used below the waterline where the boat is removed from the water after use, but should not be used below the waterline if the boat is permanently moored. DO NOT use D2 on decks.

Will D2 peel or flake?

D2 that has been applied to a correctly prepared surface will not peel or flake

How long should I wait between coats?

The minimum time between coats of D2 is 12 hours and all 6 coats should be applied in 1 month

Are there UV inhibitors in D2?

The ingredients and formula used to make and manufacture D2 negates the need for separate UV inhibitors to be added to the product.

How long will 6 coats of D2 last on my teak cap rail, which gets full exposure to the sun?

It is not possible to put an exact period on this as it very much depends on where the boat is located. Full exposure to the suns UV rays in say the Caribbean will be more intense when compared to the same exposure in the UK at the same time of year. Plus the Caribbean has full sun all year round, where as the UK has a winter with little or weak sun and therefore weak UV rays. Another factor that affects the life of D2 is general maintenance in the form of washing the surface with fresh clean water to remove dried on salt crystals, which will further intensify the affect of the UV rays since they act like a magnifying glass on the finish. Allowing for these two extremes, 6 coats of D2 will last between 12 months to 5 years depending on, weather, wear and general maintenance. 

What is the maximum or minimum number of coats of D2 that should be applied?

A minimum of 6 coats of D2 should be applied to achieve the correct film thickness. There is no maximum number of coats, but the more coats of D2 that are applied then the more intense the gloss level becomes.