Reference : AAEACCen
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TVA 19.6%19.6%
CONDITION : New and bare
DESIRED FINISH : Floor varnish
SITUATION : Interior
TYPE : European wood
EXPLICATIF : Ensure the room is well ventilated during and after application.
The surface must be clean, dry and in sound condition.
PREPARATION: Conduct a water drop test: sprinkle a few drops of water on the surface. If water penetrates quickly the finish can be applied. If the water sits on the surface or beads up then the grain of the wood is not sufficienlty open to apply the finish. It is then necessary to prepare it by sanding the wood with (grit 80/100 max) abrasive and thoroughly dust off.
APPLICATION:: Thoroughly stir VEGAFLOOR and apply an even generous coat. Allow to dry 3-4 hours. Lightly sand the surface and dust off. Apply second coat. Do not leave more than 12 hours between the 1st and 2nd coat
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