Surfaces must be clean, dry, in sound condition and free of oil, grease and other surface contamination including any preparation residue e.g. blasting, sanding etc. before applying OWALAK MARINE.
Prior to blasting or manually preparing the surface all salt contamination should be removed using fresh water and the surface allowed to dry. All oils, grease etc. must be thoroughly removed using a suitable cleaning solvent e.g. OWACLEAN, Acetone. Deposits firmly adhered should first be removed by scraping and then cleaned using the solvent.
Conduct adhesion test using the Cross Hatch method.
Coating in Good Condition and Well Adhered
Clean surface with OWACLEAN or other suitable cleaning agent.
Sand surface with 80-100 grit abrasive paper feathering in any sharp edges. Dust off.
Wood – Spot prime any bare areas with OWALAK MARINE plus 25% MARINE OIL.
Metal, Gelcoat etc. – Spot prime any bare areas with PID 60 MARINE.
Coating in Poor Condition and Poorly Adhered
Strip surfaces with DSP 800, MARINE STRIP or by mechanical abrasion.
Sand surface with 80-100 grit abrasive paper. Dust off.
Wood – Prime with OWALAK MARINE plus 25% MARINE OIL.
Metal, Gelcoat etc. – Prime surface with PID 30 or PID 60 MARINE.
The information set out cons are purely illustrative and are not the responsibility of the manufacturer, the application of products not made under his supervision.
Treat with DEEP CLEANER, Neutralise with DECK CLEANER. Alternatively sand surface with 80 grit (max) abrasive paper.
Dust off and wipe surface with a cloth soaked in Acetone, Methylated Spirits, or similar (NOT White Spirit) to remove any remaining sanding residue and degrease the surface.
Weathered Wood
Clean with DECK CLEANER or thoroughly sand with coarse abrasive paper to remove all signs of dead denatured wood fibres.
Sand surface with 80-100 grit abrasive paper to smooth off.
Dust off and wipe surface with a cloth soaked in Acetone, Methylated Spirits, or similar (NOT White Spirit) to remove any remaining sanding residue and degrease the surface.
Prime, prepared new/weathered wood with OWALAK MARINE plus 25% MARINE OIL.
Allow to dry 24 hours.
- New Metal Surfaces exc. Aluminium
Clean surface with OWACLEAN or other suitable cleaning agent.
Blast, grind (P24-P36) or sand (40-120 grit) surface.
Inaccessible areas may be prepared using diluted OWAYELL.
Prime surface with PID 30 or PID 60 MARINE.
Light to Moderate Rust:
Remove all loose and flaking rust.
Clean surface with OWACLEAN or other suitable cleaning agent.
Saturate surface with MARINE OIL.
Allow to dry 24 -72 hours.
Heavy to Severe Rust:
Clean surface with OWACLEAN or other suitable cleaning agent.
Blast, grind (P24-P36) or sand (40-120 grit) to remove all rust back to bare clean metal.
Inaccessible areas may be prepared using undiluted OWAYELL.
Prime surface with PID30 or PID 60 MARINE.
Clean surface with OWACLEAN or Acetone.
Blast or sand surface with 24-120 grit paper.
Inaccessible areas may be prepared using diluted OWAYELL
Prime with PID30 or PID 60 MARINE.
Remove all traces of silicone, wax, paraffin etc. with Acetone.
Clean surface with OWACLEAN or hot soapy water.
Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry.
Sand with 180-220 grit sanding discs.
Prime surface with PID 30 or PID 60 MARINE.